
What is “BAND-IT”?

“Band-It” is the Premier Resource for Musicians. Everything you need in one place.

We have the tools and resources needed to push your music forward. Expand your Audience, Make more money, Perform more shows, and learn to succeed in the Music Industry.

We also provide a social network, that lets you meet other musicians to connect and collaborate with. Start a band, Join a band, create a musical group, meet musicians from all over the world. Connect with Expert Musicians to Hobbyists, and all skill levels in between. No EXPERIENCE Necessary.


Why Band-It?

It’s your music, shouldn’t you be in control of it?

Here at Band-It, we believe as a musician it is best to be in complete control of your music from every step of the process. Music creation to “business” aspects such as audience building, finding gigs and even to merch design. Band-It offers to provide services that will help assist musicians in staying as in control and Independent as possible. That means you keep more of the profits and keep more of your integrity and passion for music.

We are also helping to connect any and all people who are interested in music. Whether that be listening to, as well as making music with live instruments, beat machines, computers, singing, songwriting and any other form of musical expression. We want musicians to connect to collaborate and create conversation that benefits all.


What can Band-It do for you?

We help You Succeed! Period!

Get everything you need to succeed in music and meet amazing people – All in One Place.

Band-It will provide you with the necessary tools, information, and experts to increase your earning potential as well as help you grow as an artist on ALL LEVELS. We provide a safe, professional social network that will let you tap into thousands of musicians all over the globe!

